Coming in: June 2022
Peter Bernhardt
My paintings are all the expression of deep emotional feelings and each action of realising a painting is a let if flow of sensations, impressions or feelings I encountered from the outside world which impacted on my inner being. Painting is to free these emotions which hidden in the deep ocean of my soul are moving to the surface.
I believe that my way of expressing myself through my art cannot be placed in a specific genre. A admire Gerhard Richter, a German fellow painter and I probably uses the same approach as in my abstract paintings, I build the cumulative layers of non-symbolic paintings. I start by sweeping large patches of primary colour onto the fabric. The paintings develop in stages, based on my reaction to the process of the painting: random details and patterns appear. I agree with Richter’s approach to praises incomprehensibility and considers that “Painting is the making of an analogy for something non-visual and incomprehensible – giving it form and bringing it within reach.
And that is why good paintings are incomprehensible.’ Since my early start of venturing into painting I made many purely abstract paintings which concentrate on the dramatic reality of colour, my signature smearing technique and the resulting textures often reveal contrary existences beneath the final surface of the painting. My abstract works give an illusion of space which is developed from an incidental process of the reactive gestures of adding, moving and subtracting paint.