Coming in: June 2022

Peter Bernhardt

Illuminated Paintings

Paintings that combine cultural symbols with different colours and vast of materials.

Aenean diam odio, rutrum vel eleifend vel, pharetra id enim. Pellentesque ut turpis ultrices, pretium leo eget, tincidunt ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi ornare risus mi, et sodales metus feugiat ac. Vivamus elit dui, consectetur vitae lectus ut, malesuada vehicula sapien. Mauris tempus erat sit amet sollicitudin egestas.

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Peter Bernhardt

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In each of my art facts you will find a piece of my secrets, given away with the hope that it will make your place a location of inspiration and that one day, you will be able to exchange your secrets with the world, too.